Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), November 3, 1855, p. 1 (2024)

a i v ildbrfsir p newmak eorroa dshadb pitblishing agent ilj mstisxjm ktonps sqau lupepesdelice cipimm ksxmmi j tfc25 rp wirf hin one month iiitms -prg- n time 200 -ospeg-t-us- l qpths freeman and weakly advertiser freeman will be devoted to anti- ijrafrrailon temperance and general theorganofno particular political will open its columns to the views of men political opinions reserving the i igbi journal of full expression on or projeeflocilng dm peophmtoj way and reserving also the right to ex condemnation of all projects hav- object in a great or remote degree of the principles of the british or drbritlsh rule in the provinces to the views of any religious itwihcarcfuuy ob8ervejhe every sect at the same timo bat a reser- b made in fnvor of anexisting dif- otopinion a3tellfevlewsoractipns of respectively advertisin medium as a vehicle of in- utt agriculture ami as au c any and evory ctmceivable form and a olgood morals it shall be made worthy of public 1 d siiadd publisliiug agent whether intended for publication business muht be addressed postpaid suaod chatham c w affiaig3i office brick buiuliiigs king street east chatham c v this propiuiitons or rax frftcmatv tlaelr rrinda mid ihti public it 4lr strpjilied wltn a11 ihe requlsiltfor ituj eipcu every debcrlplwntff v 8umjftaffiaisasman abrjchsesr groceries and grockeiy waref- no3ltdundas street iond0s c w cayley cameeon hamsters c c qfflu oacsoa btssbt next door lo tha coari tloase vososto w1luam 0avlev katthltw csxoeiv camebos i vankoughnet it bflother barristers altorncyscj ojjice ciitmcti stbeet over the city bank agency two doors south of st andrews church l8sofymrselieoiy dv w h haot isclcdisb pamphlets ualtus ciiioulaes ixttkks iaiiels cauds ste1m1ioat bills stabk hills concert u1iis fkugiiammlj bills law blanks hills bank checaues promi3soui notes m011tgaqk3 mkmoiual ice ax ate jmcrlplion of letteltpress prlntlnd ecurarjr rnil uespaicti in c0l0e8 akd beokie3 jj directory ttjrnbuli clothing hall 32 1bs and y establishment jay a- snieet chatham c w cih hij 20tf samuel russell medicines cures and low charges brick buildings next door to the hoccliinirsircctei chatham c w 20 1855 lsly henry lott a e s is old estaultshmemt kert bt j b lott lyiiijr sired enst chatham 18ly d farrar co and wuolksaik okalkss is wines liquors c 15 dundas street lobon c w thercdlighl shone through the open door from the round declining sun and fantastic shadows all about on the dusty floorwere thrown as the factory clock told the hour of fire and the school was almost done the mingled hum of ihe busy town rose faiiitfrom her lower plain and we saw the steeple over the trees with its motionless golden vane and heard tbe cattles musical low and the rustle of standing grain in the open casement a lingering bee murmured a drowsy tune and irom ttie upland meadows a song in thfeitliis of thcbtiernoon had come on the air that wandered by laden with the scents of june gonaststvetebnlshed and lessons said and we sat all hushed and still listening localch the purl of the brook and the whirl of the distant mill and waiting the word of dismissal that yet waited the masters will solkhy tlmiiibnrfsttitiutvfflelen tlffe setlire tollijr milliuersbops antf oyster and shops rn3 oyster 6onit tjutld lewcr i pnibtfwrnitiiiy churches or put more people in them- iariii chrjijs7f turn ihy puny cuncl fed victimized snt- yes tw lofif dfehoul- logritsirit plncin eipejclaid walbama- library nt the diiposal of thy listless dressy wives and daughters iv y vosl tin escape for liberty extracts from the new and thrilling work entitled tarjockpbosdand fbsk just published bymason brothers 28 park row new york vellnatsrlinngdngtoieateryon said toney to the negro one day soon after iirirrxrilr l nzzitiirji i i bis trouble with beclrhad passed by as they were alone at one ebd ofthe cornfield 1 whar yer grnne massa v exclaimed nappo his great eyes enlarging as lie spoket wliar yer gwine t i am going to leave this state alto gether j ah togedder 7 who gwine wid you all togcdderl i mem permanently i sjonot intend to come back as i bare done heretofore when ive been away wen yer gwine massa v in r few days now nappo hung liis head and ihe hoe lagged in his hands at first and then he ceased to work entirely but he did not speak until toney accosted him i hope nappo you will get along with- i u ir afler im gu y fat i a harsh onefhe fate of your race is nafa but your case especially is one thateom- mands sympathy becnuse you have once tasted the sweets ol liberty and know which wn den x takeeofitl chance yenhaliui pit tun an run way utftwtrtihitk dsi tivo wrongs ta right stjres nreafl twojvrongoiiiike one h ferbet yonr life the master was old and his form was bent and scattered and wbiie his hair but his heart was young and there ever dwelt a calmard kindlyair like a halo ove a pictured s nhisfacc his eyes were closed and his wrinkled hands wre folded over his vest as wearily bacirin bis old armchair he reclined as ifto rest and the golden streaming sunlight fell on his brow and down his breast we waited in reverent silence long and silence the master kept though still the accostomed sainllysmile over his features crept and we thought worn with the lengthened toil of the summrsday he slept so we quieily rose and left our seats and outward into the sun from the gathering shades of the dusty room stole silently one by one for we knew by the distant striking clock il was time the school was done and left the master sleeping alone alonelitlilbhigh backed chair willi bis eyelids closed and his withered palms foldlrasif in-prayer- is prefe free or bondage i wish i were able i would take you with me nappo but i cant im poor and irlm sorry but i cant do it youve been faith ful lo me and failbful to your master brit- tan under my direction but you must bear up manfully and remember that there is a better world than this a bright liereafcer 1 wher must ill t ut d an dwhere weshallallbeupon anequol footing tbe- master-no-bijjher-than-bis-slavci-if-tbe-serv- anit ihe mingled light and smile on his facc- and we knew not death was there nor knew that just as the clock struck five his kindly soul away a shadowy messenger silently bore from his trembling house of clay to be a child with the saints uf heaven and to dwell with christ alway r v fc adam crooks barristersallaw andjfkplictoits sirbetttoronto s 3 macdonell attorney atlaic notary public fc windsor c w conveyancer c cf- master extraordinary in chancery on aueen street niagara the office of the late chas l hall esq j henderson and commission merchant no 32 yosas srsssr tokokto clarkson esq president ol of trade john uobcrison esquire ogilvie tc co messrs howard d crawford co charles fletcher and stationer no m yonoe stkeet toronto and american works imported and for smallest possible ailvnnrr npnn ibe i f- v prices drclltheytoomustbeboundandlttidon the altar of fashion puny pale faced and charles march sign and ornamental painter qluzicr and paper hnnstcr u1ldeu and glass stllnen so 2s kixo stssst vvsar pultyrenamellcd and plainwin flli ateltdneoua a fern philippic who talks of new york unite f refresh iny aching eyes oh philadelphia with a sight of thy broad brims and drab bonnet now york has gone raiubow mad dresses with plaids n yard square or striped like the pennants of a ship ridiculous little brim- less caps of bonnets loaded with poppies marigolds asters lilies roses wreaths sprays buds blossoms beads gauze rib bons plumes lace spangles fringe and frip pery and infinitum llicir wearers with forms frightfully compressed between whale bones no sparkle in theireyesrirospring to their step listless ennuied jaded dond nnd- alive specimens of womanhood utterly in capable of a new sensniion and the men 1 what shalhwej say of them with three exceptions there is not a handsome man in new york e ant is faithful and just to himself and his neiglihor you mean- up dar said nappo point ing with bis dry hard hand heavenward yes nappo wc shall be all equal there wot all v yes j believe so nappo wot massa brittn an betk an all ekal to me an yer and yer t dey ckal ter ire v they will repent i trust seasonably and tliey will be forgiven of their errors iduzznt want ergo up dar said nappo firmly what said toney no dis chile rudder not massa bis chile duzznt kcer bout gwine up dar ef massa beck an taskcms dar mthovf you mus endeavor continued to massa fpneff chile gtt into free state gin lie neither jgit fetched s longs be libs an dat ti b fe massa metllcr 1 the force of nappvs thesry struck toney very remarkably though be saw that the poor slave wasnotallogethertvainteref led in bis homely argument so he sail well nappo i dont know exaitly what you are thinking of but i hopejoujlbc hap j py wherever you may be situated a the future lrjoorryleverycarrtczhcrejrall for many reasons but i am about to quit kentucky and 1 only wish i were able h free every-slavo-brittan-owns-said-xoney- fcelingly this is out of the question how ever and i must leave you all to the mercy qfjhose who ought to be kind to you but dey nebberll be kind to us said nappo again nebber deyll beat us an mash us an work de skin off our bones an den trow us to der dogs wen were ust up dass wot deyll do massa an ef yer say yere gwine i say tm jwine too ef i ken get away well nappo t mustnt know anything of this you sec if i see you hereafter away from your masters place i cant help it and shant- when i leave him ive done with bim and his iorever as i said before jfjou cornewhere i atnill do what i can af lis 1 dar fistc 1raise de lion kat ty i dar a ichio ribbcr fer sartn i d yer know it nappo do yer dats de hio v queried katty as they posacd outfrotn tmftop ofthe rockraoilet0the43tcatiierwheeled hroandtbe point shot up southward of etwattutfrtmwbjitjr could plainly see a broad bend in tbe river are you mire on it v it catsjtbenbsraldse stnjs tthxbe it iwvdrcbfjfffjfaey rterejiatipstaiek eomin up norf norf all de lime dat maw be de hid an soon s if git dark ginhfessciod well cross ober an den wes in de free land altogedder fore an ebher tank ue tordil but hows yer gwine er git ober dar v asked kattyt hows yer gwine lir do dat v this question rather puzzled nnppnhe could noi answer it he did n know p eiselywhere heywereiitlievfelt sure lliat that stream must be passed before be could really begin to be free again they had for you but i dont recommend you to run away it is altsbgjcnirneylo the free states and youd find it a wearr one continued sensuous hirsute winebibbing oyster fed cigar stupified snake skin pantalooned pibeds puffing smoke into ladies faces peeping under ladies bonnets and looking as though they had exhausted life before they were out of round jackets the sight of horace greeleys clear childlike face and pure culm eyes is as refreshing to the sight in broadway as the first snow drop blossom in spring but the new york ohildron it makes one sijjh to look at them these men and women will soon all pass away but the hil spiddlo legged braided bocurled be- flounced corseted drilled little sicklyautoro- atons never surprised never delighted pre mature little old men or women the sight of a bouncin countr child full of vitaht n kl ir li r 1 and irrepressible life with locks of clover and cheeks full of roses were worth a long journey to see aud tha shops 1 plenty to see but nothing to wear plenty of glitter and no substance all expensive but utterly unsuitable for gckd8ensiblerpeoprcrbsnro their sbowy wares jeware as you would not lose caste how you question the price nobody but a bostonion or a philadclphian they say does that i suffer a word of homely advice from the stranger within tby gates oh nw york now im going away nappo to conciliate your master and if you go along smoothly with beck hell treat you better i hope nebber nebber massa metller con tinued napjiq stoutly dem men nebberll forgib nappo long dey lib an wen youse gone deyll mash his head for im to pay off all de hole detts fer sartn war yer gwine massa mettler asked nappo signi- hcantlr once more to new york state nappo why well ef you shud see a poor nigger up dar n he hadnt no money ner no frens ncr nuffn an he should be tryin to git way from dezc cusses ycre yer vvouldn t peach on im wud yer massa eh if you ever come where i am nappo ill treat you well and you shant sutler mind i dont advise you to run away though yere gwine ter run away aint yer massa no nappo i dont have to run away im free to go when and where i please lwallmassaellersonyerarier be run w -misscy- annie an be was-a-frcc- man loo eh this was a homethrustfor toney for lie had arranged every thing to run away with julie at an early day and though nappo could not possibly have suspected anything of this yet his r ijqney in a low tone yis yis i hear urn 1 bear urn massa said nappo listening attenlively and excited ly and catching every syllable that dropped from his friends lips youd have t suffer from fasting and you would be compelled to skulk by day and travel by night yis yis massa and then you would have a long wayto walkjtoojandyoitwouldbestirroundcdbyj spiesand manwolves would seize you if possible at any moment on s of being a runaway so that you would have to be extremely cautious how you were exposed for a single moment as you went yis massa and youd have to find your way to lewisburg yis hut you musnt enter llic own though o no 1 see massa lucyberg i knows em and then when yen reached green river youd have to sly tip the valley always keep ing the course of the river up to ilarpshcad but not lo go into llie village you know no no massa ilarpscd i memberaim too and so on still north that is vp be tween carthage and henderson yis massa caitige an annerson i knows rfnn too then across the ohio river and thalll bring you into illinoii keep right on then that is i mean nippo yon would find it necessary to continut straight forward thus if you were there and get upon the wabash river yis warbtish iknowim massa dass wafde biviiijuns lii 1 know and bad left it far away to the eastward he was sure this was the ohio it was now noarlynoon they had been skulking since daylight buff bad been kept quiet latterly only by constant threats that the buckratnnn was after them all and though be was utterly starved and sick and worn out with the hardships he had just ex perienced he still held up and was as quiet and cautions as he could well be katty did not complain she had never known what it was to breathe free air but she had for twenty years experienced its op posite she was content to abide the result and craved the change at least by way of e ifeppokjsiotftftlie sweeifrpdrary libcftypfnd oh how hisjicartiyeanicd once more for the bright sunshine and gentle skies weyond and to beholiperhai a the sinilirig as the great ponderousvesselcame thumping ojiwulijlstwa noisy jiigh jiressura engines test tbey should be run down and dashed in pieces by the monsterpaddles but tbe againmlo the main current and jcft a rush ingrole hebind lrerthat only served to drive tbe raft ashore within the next three minutes in perfect sjttyyv bress god i praise de lord katty 1 qwltppiick i come along fasts you lien urmsway up yere up yerej exclaimed nappo as he seized witlf one hand a hand of the girl and with theqtber grasped t little wrisb of buff and hastened awnyi from th shore come long come long an brts god all de lime wes in de land ob lilicrly anfrccdom an- an de decle e a very handsonie bride was observed lobe indeeprflejmion herweddinj day one ofuer bridesmaids aked birth subject of ber meditation i was think ing she replied which of my old beaux llshould marry in casci shouidbcoiuol widow rashn ob in for sartn come 16nglen katty wes all safe an sounl now praise de jlorll an well fin frens up yere come long and away hurried the y- that woman deservt not n lmxbnnds generous love who will riw greet hirh with pmiles as he returns froth trio labrlrr of the day who will not try to chain liinfltohii homo by tb sweet enchantment otyichici- f ill heart there is imi uno in it thnusntui tlnuk mi untoilin- i to witbritand-hiuh-an- influence und bfvak uwiiy from sucln 1 inane 3i sam joriiputscvcrytbiiigjoufe wife im a bald head and he straps olrtorafastneirv phajniciaja exactly well nappo continued toney iwo wrongs dont make one right you know you are master brittans legal property and though it is an unfortunate situation for you the law requires that you should remain here this is one wrong and a grievous one but submission is a virtue now if you should run away from your owner you would be taking from him just so m m as your pecuniary value amounts to and this would be what some people denominate stealing or robbery you see 6o that this would be thesecondjvrong nomasjlsaidlhefote since two wrongs like these i have mention ed cannot make one right you shouldnt be instrumental in committing one ofthe wrongs although tbe other exists and you are thus a victim to the injustice of it nappo was very attentive to this excellent pieeetof advicet though he did not cbmpre- bendthewhoterofit lsee imass toneyyl see said nappo two wrongs nebber make one right zackly ony sometimes they do t i think not nappo lwell massa t hdlyouden said nnppo in a whisper poze i run way one time an go lib wilc ia free stale an bimeby dem slavecotchcr taskem cum an nab poor nappo an take him back teralerbamal dat one wrong aint it massa v yes yes and then you would have to seek for the town of yincennes and that is along way off you see but then youd find friends nappo friends who would aid yon but you see you would lurdly be able to accom plish all this andyou would be bunted from the day or hour you left here you would stand but a small chance of escaping again and if they caught you this time youd be shipped off to alabama or mississippi where you would forever remain in bondage the difficulties to be surmounted are far too great nappo what fer liberty massa 1 fer freedom 1 exclaimcdnappo strangely yernebber wataterrtmassatoneyaidnappowith deep emphasis yer nebber knowd wot it wits to wear de chains an feel de lash ob beck anvtaskcm an dem ihave seen more of it than i shall ever sgeiapnin nap replied toney but its a difficult thing for you to escape from it any way lucyberg reen ribbcr harpsd cartige annerson hio uibber rnw said nappo clasping his bands in the inten sity of hope and repealing the words again and again lucyberg green ilibber harpsed cartige hio liberty oh massa metller am yer sine dar am yer gwine to de hio ribbcr an warbush an cartige an irce sfafet 1 yes nappo never to return wen you gwine dar asked nappo a within a lew nappo was silent and toney left him finally with the injunction remember nnppo two wrongs dont make one right if you attempt to escape from bondage you do so at your peril if you do go jliough remember lewisburg river an freedom lank god exclaimed nappo earnestly as his kindhearted friend disap peared ixsbnuldntjejiljllsjrrpjtsedys ney to himself as he departed toward the house i shouldnt wonder now if nappo really intended tdtun away again poor fel low it certainly did look somewhat suspicious laces of those whom he remembered in his earlier yearsj and who came and went when they would and as they would withoulvbeing subject lo the frown and tbe scourge of an unrelcnttng and brutal taskmaster before nightfall nappo had quietly gatli cred together a mass of small logs that bad been cutlor 5teamboatusesneorthe rivers edgey with which be comiiiertccdlo construct a rude raft ilehadnojinpiemeiilwhateverj except a pocketknife that he had taken with jiim and which served him to cut and split a few yoiiug saplings- wilhwhich keat last bound the ends ofthe logs together in this work he was unobserved and dili gently did he labor to prepare the rough mass ofjwood and secure it in a body so that it should serve to sustain the weight of himself and katty and the boy ncross the river and katty was not idle by any means in the mean lime though she had been un used to such rude treatment and such toil she aided nappo in arranging the logs and in tying them together ajid whenone parcel had been so secured a similar layer of slicks was placed crosswise upon the others for greaterstrength and safely and finally be neath the rays ofthe softlyshining moon at midnight with no eye upon their movements save his who shelters the fiitherlessrand 5uccoryflieisfresse3 ol all nations the humble refugees embarked upon their doubt ful voyage the wind was blowing freshly from the southwestward the only peril they now stood in fear of except discovery from the shore possibly was that of being run down by the steamboats that were then passing up or down the river but seldom they stream without being injured in this way as they were destitute of oar or sail how ever there was no way to avoid this jeopardy and they were compelled to take the risk and trust to their fate willi difficulty and hard toiling only did they at length get their somewhat cumbrous raft afloat for it had been constructed too far from the waters edge they finally saw it in the river fairly and with a last prayer for eventual success they stepped upon their reeling swaying bark and pushed out from the shore toward the slate of illinois the raft very soon fell into the current of the rivet nappo- had provided himself with a thin slab of wood which he thought mi answer the purpose of a rudder fur lackotj anything belter and with which lie continu ed to paddle the raft on a little lo windward as it continued to float down the stream by the aid of this and the iresh breeze that blew fromthekentuckyshoietheycoiitiiiucdn in safely and prosperously and every mo- permit though nappo hadnt the slightest idea where he was going or when he would stop butbtihe same tirhehc felt sure that he had crossed tbe ohio river and some body had impressed the truth pretty strongly upon his mind that when this object was at tained he might calculate with certainty that he was on the right side of jordan and ihe heart of katlv leaped for joy too as she mud though she was fearfully worn down with the extraordinary exertion to which she had been subjected fdrthe last week was the atmosphere clearer than that she had ever breathed before was the climate she was now in so different from lira in whirli- for twenty years previously she had been accustomed tot vteretneslties inore genial and were tlic breezes more balmy and invig- orating or was iflnerely the conscious- ness that she was v tbat so exhilarated her and caused her toforget her bruises and pains and bodily ills while she still bounded otij on isingiog praises to lliinwho had borne her and her associatesthus safely through the wilderness thcdesert the shadows of bon dage to the green pastures and tbe light and thejoyof -liberty- welcome welcome lhenyepoor7tle spisedcdowntfoddensufferers a thousand junes welcome lo freedoms shores it may be that your pursuers the wretched hounds that even now scent your tracks and who are striding far and fast to seize upon you it may be tbat tbey will yet place their fiendish grip upon you and tbat you will but have tasted the air which has so charmed you ere they fall upon to destroy you hasten then away away fly nappo for your life halt not fair katty until a wider margin is left behind you for they who seek to crush and devour you life and body and soul are nlmost within reach of tbe sound of your weary wavering footsteps oo on tarry not falter not slacken not a jot in your speed for the enemy is abroad and the chances may be against you even while you arc thus confident in the hopes that buoy you so gloriously up 1 away nappo away katty the roulcyouliaypchosentstbc right onis- away and god speed you on your errand his-kizor-on-iu- gst who was the lirstpost hoy cail- greeee itywhyis a woman living tiptwo pair of stairs like a goddess becnuse s is a second flora 37wiy are postage stamps like inry school boys hccntise you liavo to lick their backs to make them stick lo their letters agricultural r how we did it somelwelvt yeuts since my father uutight fets hthsas mk neighbours said well wc soon found out ho itli we-put- heavy team and new plough nt work and the virgin soil was turned up at six inches helowjhe four inches worked lo death our neighbours prophesied a failure and when our crops vied wuhnnd exceeded their own jhey were lull of sitrmifinrrs as to the won derful strangers so successful in renewing such tillkilled soil what manure did you put nn that field n neighbour asked friy humor anti lllit s3t an irishman went n fishing and among other tilings ho hauled in a inrge- as these came and went i sized turtle to enjoy tbe surprise of the hoped toget across tlivucttiintgirlbcput it in her room next i h morning the first who bounced in nt the breakfast table was biddy with the excla mation bejabers ive got the divil what devil inquired her masler why the bullbedbug that has been ealing the children for the last two iiionths iiilber one morning as they were looking at llheeepgreenrraving corn growing sv rankltjlier plu ploughed deep answered jic theknynmhingikitlji ploughing deep nnd thoroughly pulverizing the soil to bring good crops in all kinds of weather tht field had been used as meadow some fifteen years producing from odefourth to onehalf a urn of hay to the acre we bijike it up deep puated one year sowed in oats the next with clover anil timothy nnd the third year cut two tons ef fine hay to the acre another field bad been used for onls the same length of lime we ploughed deep but had poor oats as so much deep new soil was turned up never having been exposed to the weather a bard and altnbst impenetrable crust havingbecn firm ed at the depth of three or four inches here the plough hud scraped for years as soon ns possible wc grassed it nnd had excellent meadows wh others thought nothing but n hail weed ileulfjiif could grow all the pasture land hud a vigorous growth of elders on but wo fixed them by carefully ploughing round the roots drawing them in piles to some large logs or slumpdieap and enjoying a beautiful bonfire afler thuy had become well dried ment every stroke of his huge clumsy pad dle bore them nearer and nearer to the land of liberty well git dar well git dat katty sures de lord libs in hebn snid nappo dashing his paddle into ihe water steadily and firmly while the raft moved slovly but certainly forward to the opposite shore though it tfon- tinually floated down the stream a the same time well git dar katty bress de lord fer dis fer dis dark night an dis rafl an ebry ting in dis worl exclaimed tbe poor struggling starving almost exhaustedtsappof well be darn a few minits an den soons we put foot on dat ar shore younder den wes free free katty free for ebher an ebber more jjf dey duzznt cotch us agin nappo cottn us ha ha deyluebber colch tsimtmrrarpsheadrf lord i k notes em an cf dey chber eolches nappo gin be nebberll run off from em no more fer sartn dasi a fack but well sec f dey colch urn aneddy that m in shoreward drew the raft within its circle at this moment and as it swung round a heavy steamer hove sud denly in sight from below the point coming up the river at a sharp speed almost directly upon the raft nappo and katty were seriously alarmed j3r in a lecture at portland mc dr boyuton wishing lo explain to a little girl the manner in which a lobster casts his shell when he has outgrown it said what do you do when you bavo outgrown your clothes you throw them aside dont you oil no replied the little one we let out thetucks 1liedootoreonfessedsliebad liieudvanuige of him there ky a yankee nnd a pntlander happening to be riding together passed a gallows where would you be said jotiuiliuni the pillows bad its due hiding alone i guesst- saidihe witfylrishmail hay boxes for hones some of the new orleans livery stables have wide plank grammangers at a conve nient height and instead of rucks boxes for hay extending up from the mangers throtiglithe floor of the loft above these boxes arc a trifle smaller at the top than at the bottom so that the hay will slide down rapidly they nre open sufficiently at the side over the manger to allow the horse to pull out the hay while dust accumulates in the manger instead of in his mane one haybox answers for two stalls american agriculturist to retievetchbked cattle fj bob lower yourself inlo the well nnd hollow for help what for i to frighten daddy and make some fun bob did ashe was desired hut got more fun than he bargained lor it was adminis tered with a hickory sjpling distance live and a half feet a correspondent of the ohio farmer gives the following as a cure fr the gitrr get take raw linseed oil and rub all over tiiccowsbflirtwhichif done on- thefirstl fit a yankee pedlar once called nt a house and wanted to sell his commodities as usual finding he could not trade with the vomnnhelurnedloaboystjindingbyand asked him if he didnt want to buy a for tune teller the boys granny spoko up and said lor sakes no he dont want that hes got more in bis head now than i wish lie bud then ive got just tho article be needs said the pedlar and handed out a fine comb tjr hullo steward ejcclaimed a fellow in one of the steamboats after having retir ed to his bed what massa bring mo the way bill what for massa v i want to see if thoso bedbugs put down their names for this berth before i did if not want em turned out mix a spooful of gunpowder with enough hogs lard to form a ball tho size ofa liens etrg open the animals mouth nnd after pulling out the tungiie slightly chuck- the ball of lard and into the throat let go the tongue aiid the work is done t have iried this in two instances and it pro duced immediate relief iv s p mil- ford i in country gentleman core garget iiucowa appearance is all that is needed generally but two or three applications always have cured the stubborn cases nndjs easily done there is no greater bug aboo to many persons than antislavery und nothing tbey liate so much as an abolitionist if such persons reflcotod that n man can not help believing as he does on any point it would moderato their wroth ng liust thosowho hold that slavery is a sin or a political mis take or pecuniary folly nobody doubts that mnny abolitionists are sincere and tbe fuel is nearly all men are abolitionista of tmrortoritnotheir 54eyonlydifra8o the mode some contenl themselves with proving in season and out of season that slavery is a sin nnd this class though thuy- bave proposed no action jo abolish it and have actually done nothinc but prfcaoh their m pffl ie si s 11 u m ii-i- si v w v y i y


Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), November 3, 1855, p. 1 (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.